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Category:Clitellata - Wikipedia
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Clitellata. This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total. This …
Pleistoannelida - Wikipedia
Discovered through phylogenetic analyses, it is the largest clade of annelids, comprised by the last common ancestor of the highly diverse sister groups Errantia and Sedentaria (Clitellata …
Clitellata — Википедија
Clitellata su klasa anelidnih crva, osobena po tome što imaju klitelum – 'ovratnik' koji formira reproduktivnu čauru tokom dela njihovog životnog ciklusa. Klitelati obuhvataju oko 8.000 vrsta. …
Clitellata - Wikipedia
Clitellata este o clasă de viermi inelați caracterizați prin prezența clitellumului, de unde și denumirea grupului. Taxonul include peste 8000 de specii răspândite preponderent în mediul …
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Clitellates (Class Clitellata) · iNaturalist
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum - the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …
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Clitellata - Wikipedia
De Clitellata vormn e klasse van geleede worms. Der zyn 8000 sôortn, die e nateurlyke (monofyletische) groep vormn. Da wil zeggn dan z' êen gemêenschappelyke vôorouder èn. …
WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Clitellata
Class Clitellata: Annelids with well-developed external and internal metamerism, without parapodia and without antennae, tentacular cirri and cirri, mostly also without gills.
Clitellata - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Clitellata A taxonomic class within the phylum Annelida – leeches, earthworms and related animals.
Crassiclitellata - Wikipedia
Crassiclitellata is an order of annelids belonging to the class Clitellata. [1] Families: [1] Acanthodrilidae Benhamiidae Eudrilidae Hippoperidae Komarekionidae Lumbricidae …
Clitellata - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Aug 24, 2023 · Clitellata Michaelsen, 1919 Etymology: Named after the clitellum, an anatomical feature that members of this class possess.
Clitellata — Википедија -
Clitellata su klasa anelidnih crva, osobena po tome što imaju klitelum – 'ovratnik' koji formira reproduktivnu čauru tokom dela njihovog životnog ciklusa. Klitelati obuhvataju oko 8.000 vrsta. …
Clitellata -
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum - the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …
Clitellates (Class Clitellata) | Segmented Worms Wiki | Fandom
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum - the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …
Clitellum - Wikipedia
The clitellum is a thickened glandular and non-segmented section of the body wall near the head in earthworms and leeches that secretes a viscid sac in which eggs are stored. [1] . It is …
Clitellates (Class Clitellata) | Animal Database | Fandom
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum - the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …
Clitellata — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum – the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles.
World Species : Clitellata
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum - the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum – the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …
Clitellata - Wikiwand
The Clitellata are a class of annelid worms, characterized by having a clitellum – the 'collar' that forms a reproductive cocoon during part of their life cycles. The clitellates comprise around …