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Johann Elert Bode - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
- Bode nació en Hamburgo. En su juventud sufrió una enfermedad ocular grave que dañó sobre todo su ojo derecho; continuó teniendo problemas con su visión a lo largo de toda su vida. Desde muy joven se mostró dotado para las matemáticas, lo que atrajo la atención del matemático Johann Georg Büsch, quien le permitió usar su biblioteca.Comenzó su carre...
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Category:Discoveries by Johann Elert Bode - Wikipedia
This is a category for space discoveries and theories by German astronomer Johann Elert Bode. See parent category for proper sortkey usage instructions.
Johann Elert Bode – Wikipedia
Johann Elert Bode (* 19. Januar 1747 in Hamburg; † 23. November 1826 in Berlin) war ein preußischer Astronom. Bode war erstes von neun Kindern einer Hamburger …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Johann Elert Bode — Wikipédia
Jun 22, 2005 · Johann Elert Bode (19 janvier 1747 à Hambourg – 23 novembre 1826 à Berlin) est un astronome allemand connu pour avoir reformulé et popularisé la loi de Titius-Bode et …
- Activités: Astronome, professeur d'université
- Naissance: 19 janvier 1747Hambourg
- Décès: 23 novembre 1826 ou 23 décembre 1826Berlin
- Nationalité: prussienne
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Johann Elert Bode | Celestial Objects, Star Catalogs
Johann Elert Bode (born Jan. 19, 1747, Hamburg [Germany]—died Nov. 23, 1826, Berlin) was a German astronomer best known for his popularization of Bode’s …
Johann Elert Bode - Wikipedia
Johann Elert Bode (Amburgo, 19 gennaio 1747 – Berlino, 23 novembre 1826) è stato un astronomo tedesco, noto soprattutto per la sua riformulazione e divulgazione della legge di Titius-Bode e come contributo nella determinazione dell'orbita di …
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Johann Elert Bode - Planet Facts
Life, Biography & Discoveries of Johann Bode. Johann Elert Bode is one of the greatest German astronomers famous for his “ Titus-Bode Law ” that became significant in determining the orbit from Uranus. Bode was born in Hamburg. …
Bode, Johann Elert - SpringerLink
Johann Bode directed the observatory of the Royal Academy of Sciences (Berlin), helped to publicize an important “law” regarding the planets' distances from the Sun, and published an important reference work (the Astronomisches …
Johann Elert Bode – Wikipédia
Johann Elert Bode (1747. január 19. – 1826. november 23.) német csillagász a róla elnevezett Titius–Bode-szabály hirdetője. Bode meghatározta az Uránusz pályáját és ő javasolta az Uránusz elnevezést is.
Γιόχαν Μπόντε - Βικιπαίδεια
Ο Γιόχαν Έλερτ Μπόντε (γερμανικά: Johann Elert Bode , Αμβούργο 19 Ιανουαρίου 1747 – Βερολίνο 23 Νοεμβρίου 1826) ήταν Γερμανός αστρονόμος, που έγινε γνωστός για την …
Johann Elert Bode - Wikipedia
Johann Elert Bode (Hamburg, 19 januari 1747 – Berlijn, 23 november 1826) was een Duitse astronoom. Hij was directeur van de sterrenwacht van de Pruisische Academie van …
Johann Elert Bode - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 11, 2018 · Bode, Johann Elert (1747–1826) A German astronomer who popularized the theory, known later as Bode's law, that there is a simple arithmetical relationship between the …
Bode- Johann Elert - Astronomers
Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826) was a German astronomer who played a crucial role in the development of our understanding of the solar system. While not a revolutionary discoverer …
Johann Elert Bode - Wikiwand
Johann Elert Bode (German: [ˈboːdə]; 19 January 1747 – 23 November 1826) was a German astronomer known for his reformulation and popularisation of the Titius–Bode law. Bode determined the orbit of Uranus and suggested the planet's name.
Johann Elert Bode – Wikipedia
Johann Elert Bode, född 19 januari 1747 i Hamburg och död den 23 november 1826 i Berlin, var en tysk astronom känd för sin omformulering och publicering av Titius-Bodes lag och för sina …
Johann Elert Bode – Wikipedie
Johann Elert Bode (19. ledna 1747, Hamburk – 23. listopadu 1826, Berlín) byl německý astronom, který přeformuloval a zpopularizoval Titius-Bodeovo pravidlo. Upřesnil oběžnou dráhu planety Uran a navrhl její jméno, které se užívá dodnes.
Johann Elert Bode – Wikipedija
Johann Elert Bode (Hamburg, 19. siječnja 1747. – Berlin, 23. studenoga 1826.), njemački astronom. Poznat je po reformuliranju i populariziranju Titius-Bodeova zakona. Bode je otkrio …
Johann Elert Bode - Encyclopedia.com
German mathematician and astronomer Johann Elert Bode was seemingly born to teach the world about the wonders of astronomy. The child of well-educated parents, Bode early on …
Johann Elert Bode | EBSCO Research Starters
Johann Elert Bode (1747–1826) was a prominent German astronomer known for his significant contributions to the field of astronomy and for popularizing celestial observations in the late 18th century. Born in Hamburg, Bode faced health challenges early in life, including blindness in one eye due to smallpox, which led him to study astronomy in depth while working in his father's …
Johann Elert Bode – Wikipedia
Johann Elert Bode (* 19. Januar 1747 in Hamborg; † 23. November 1826 in Berlin) weer en düütschen Astronom. Bode weer as öllste vun negen Kinner in en Hambörger …