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Ornithischia - Wikipedia
Ornithischia is an extinct clade of mainly herbivorous dinosaurs characterized by a pelvic structure superficially similar to that of birds. The name Ornithischia, or "bird-hipped", reflects this similarity and is derived from the Greek stem ornith- (ὀρνιθ-), meaning "bird", and ischion (ἴσχιον), meaning "hip". However, … See more
Ornithischia is a very large and diverse group of dinosaurs, with members known from all continents, habitats, and a very large range of sizes. They are primarily herbivorous browsers or grazers, but some members … See more
The first recognition of an herbivorous group of dinosaurs was named Orthopoda in 1866 by Edward Drinker Cope, a name that is now recognized as a synonym of Ornithischia. Discussions on the taxonomy of dinosaurs by See moreOrnithischians shifted from bipedal to quadrupedal posture at least three times in their evolutionary history and it has been shown primitive members may have been capable of both … See more
• Ornithischia, from Palæos. (cladogram, characteristics) See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Ornithischia - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Ornithischia is an extinct clade of mainly herbivorous dinosaurs characterized by a pelvic structure superficially similar to that of birds. The name Ornithischia, …
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Neornithischia - Wikipedia
Neornithischia ("new ornithischians") is a clade of the dinosaur order Ornithischia. It is the sister group of the Thyreophora within the clade Genasauria. Neornithischians are united by having a thicker layer of asymmetrical enamel on the inside of their lower teeth. The teeth wore unevenly with chewing and developed sharp ridges that allowed neornithischians to break down tougher plant food than other dinosaurs.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Category:Ornithischia - Wikipedia
Articles related to the Ornithischia, an extinct clade of mainly herbivorous dinosaurs characterized by a pelvic structure superficially similar to that of birds.The name Ornithischia, or "bird …
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Saurischia - Wikipedia
Saurischia (/ s ɔː ˈ r ɪ s k i ə / saw-RIS-kee-ə, meaning "reptile-hipped" from the Greek sauros (σαῦρος) meaning 'lizard' and ischion (ἴσχιον) meaning 'hip …
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Ornithopoda - Wikipedia
Ornithopoda (/ ˌ ɔːr n ə ˈ θ ɒ p ə d ə /) [2] is a clade of ornithischian dinosaurs, called ornithopods (/ ˈ ɔːr n ə θ ə ˌ p ɒ d z, ɔːr ˈ n ɪ θ-/). [3] [4] They represent one of the most successful groups of herbivorous dinosaurs during the Cretaceous.
Ornithoscelida - Wikipedia
Ornithoscelida is a proposed clade that includes ornithischian and theropod dinosaurs, based on a 2017 study. Learn about its history, characteristics, and phylogeny from this article.
List of other ornithischian type specimens - Wikipedia
This list of other ornithischian type specimens is a list of fossils serving as the official standard-bearers for inclusion in the species and genera of the dinosaur clade Ornithischia that are not …
Ornithischia - Wikipedia
Ornithischia is an extinct order of beaked, herbivorous dinosaurs with bird-like hip structure. Learn about their classification, evolution, diversity, and extinction from the Jurassic to the …
Category:Ornithischians - Wikipedia
Articles related to the Ornithischia, an extinct clade of mainly herbivorous dinosaurs characterized by a pelvic structure superficially similar to that of birds. The name Ornithischia, or "bird …
Ornithischia | Dinopedia | Fandom
Ornithischia, meaning 'bird hip joint' in Greek, is one of two clades used to distinguish and classify dinosaurs, the other being Saurischia. The name is derived from the method used to classify the animals, as dinosaurs classified …
Kritosaurus - Wikipedia
Kritosaurus is an incompletely known genus of hadrosaurid (duck-billed) dinosaur.It lived about 74.5-66 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous of North America.The name means …
Ornithischia – Wikipedija
Ornithischia je izumrli red dinosaura biljoždera. Naziv Ornithischia je izveden od grčkih riječi ornitheos (ορνιθειος) što znači "ptica" i ischion (ισχιον) što znači "zdjelica". Prema tome, imali …
Ornithischia — Википедија
Predentata (ili Ornithischia}) je izumrla klada uglavnom biljojednih dinosaurusa karakterisanih karličnom struktura koja je površno slična onoj kod ptica. [3] Ime Ornithischia, ili „ptičijih …
Ornithischia - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Dec 8, 2024 · A revision of the ornithischian dinosaur Kangnasaurus coetzeei Haughton, with a classification of the Ornithischia. Annals of the South African Museum 95(8): 281–317. BHL …
Ornithischia - Wikipedia
De Ornithischia vormen een hoofdonderverdeling van de dinosauriërs. In 1887 splitste Harry Govier Seeley de dinosauriërs in Saurischia en Ornithischia. Het kenmerkend onderscheid zag …
Ornithischia | Journal of Wildlife
Ornithischia is a major clade of dinosaurs that includes a range of species with bird-like features. These dinosaurs had beaked mouths, sat on their hind legs, and had well-developed hip joints. …
Ornithischia - Wikipedia
Gli ornitischi (Ornithischia) sono uno dei due grandi ordini di dinosauri, raggruppanti esclusivamente forme erbivore. Comparvero nel Carnico in Patagonia e arrivarono a popolare …
Орнитхисцхиа — Википедија
Предентата (или Орнитхисцхиа}) је изумрла клада углавном биљоједних диносауруса карактерисаних карличном структура која је површно слична оној код птица. [3] . Име …
Ornithischia - Wikipedia
Ornithischia sau Predentata este un ordin dispărut de dinozauri erbivori (cu cioc). Ornithischianii sunt împărțiți în două subunități: Thyreophora și Cerapoda. Thyreophora include Stegosauria …
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